Install our Chrome extension "Log in Shortcut ⚡"

Install our extension "Log in Shortcut ⚡" to connect to your La Touche Musicale account in 1 click.
Written by Dimitri
Updated 10 months ago

Our Chrome extension "Log in Shortcut ⚡" allows you to log in to your La Touche Musicale account in one click. Once downloaded, the extension remains constantly visible in your browser and the connection to your account can be done very easily and at any time.

To install our extension "Log in Shortcut ⚡" , follow these steps: 

1 - Make sure you are on one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Opera or Microsoft Edge

2 - Go to our extension page on the Chrome Web Store:

3 - Click on the "Add to Chrome" button:

4 - A popup appears at the top of the page, asking you to confirm your action. Click on the "Add extension" button to validate:

5 - The extension has now been installed on your browser.

To display it constantly in your extension bar, you will have to pin it. To do this, click on the puzzle icon located on the right side of your extension bar:

6 - A menu opens revealing all the extensions you have installed. Look for the extension La Touche Musicale and click on the pin icon on its right: 

The extension will then be added to your extension bar and will remain constantly visible.

Once the extension is pinned to your extension bar, it will stay there until you remove it.

Use this extension to connect to your La Touche Musicale account in one click by clicking on the "LOG IN" button, which will take you to the application's home page (the song catalog).

Note: if, during your last session on the application, you logged out of your account by clicking on the "Log out" tab of the menu, you will be automatically redirected to the login page and will have to enter your informations again to login.

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